- Glossary -
Annual Plan: a set of annual projections aimed at achieving the Company’s objectives.
Company: Pan American Energy LC.
Competencies: underlying characteristics that are causally related to a criterion referenced as effective and/or higher performance at work or in a specific situation.
- Underlying characteristics means that a competency is a relatively inherent and profound aspect of an individual’s personality and can predict such individual’s behavior when facing a wide variety of situations or tasks at work.
- Causally related means that a competency causes or predicts behavior or performance.
- Criterion referenced means that a competency can truly predict who does something right or wrong, as measured according to a specific criterion or standard.
Contractors: individuals or legal entities that have been contracted to execute construction works or provide services for the Company. The term also includes subcontractors involved in such works or services.
Corporate culture: a set of values, beliefs, behaviors and standards affecting the operations.
Corporate values: set of concepts that inspire and guide the way that people think and behave in the Organization.
Incident: an unplanned event that either affects or could potentially affect people’s health or physical well-being, facilities or the environment. Incidents are further subcategorized as:
- Accident: an incident with consequences (impact on people, the environment, facilities, the Company’s corporate image) that will have a concrete “real severity.”
- Quasi-accident: an incident without consequences which, under slightly different circumstances, might have resulted in injuries, environmental damage and/or property, business or corporate image losses. It is only potentially severe.
Innovation: those changes that help improve our operations and which are, by nature or origin, unproven or difficult to implement and which must, therefore, be part of a work methodology that can be tested quickly and easily, mitigating risks and impact.
Leaders: people who hold middle-management positions or who are part of the Organization’s management teams.
Management: a person or a group of people who run and control one or more areas of an Organization.
Management Review: a review of each area’s Management System (MS) performed by the relevant management team at pre-determined intervals to ensure ongoing serviceability, adequacy and effectiveness. This review includes an assessment of both opportunities for improvement and the need to modify the MS.
Management System (MS): a process or a set of interrelated processes aimed at running and controlling one or more areas of the Organization.
Organization: a structure comprised of people and processes interacting to achieve the Company’s objectives.
Performance: the measurement of an operational variable or area of focus regarding health, safety, environmental care, asset integrity and reliability, efficiency, and the relationship with the clients, communities and other relevant stakeholders.
Production System: a set of facilities and systems used for onshore and offshore hydrocarbon exploration, development and production operations.
Quality Assurance: an area of quality management aimed at establishing reliability on the compliance with quality requirements.
Quality Control: a component of quality management aimed at ensuring compliance with quality requirements.
Requirements: legal, technical, procedural, administrative or other requirements, whether internally or externally mandated, which are applicable to operations.
Security: a set of rules aimed at protecting assets and people involved in the operations against intimidation unauthorized access, sabotage, violence, or other criminal activities.
Senior Management: a person or a group of people who run and control the highest level of an Organization.
Social License to Operate: an acceptance of the Company and its projects by local communities that are either affected or potentially affected by such projects.
Staff: Company employees, as well as its contractors and subcontractors.
Suppliers: individuals or legal entities from whom the Company purchases physical assets required for its operations.
Supply/Supplies: goods and services required by the Company for its operations.
Vision: the desirable future status of the Organization, as defined by Senior Management.