Relations with the Community and Other Relevant Stakeholders
Promote lasting and harmonious relationships with the community, our clients and other relevant stakeholders to ensure project success and the continuity of operations.
14.1 Systematically identify areas, communities and other relevant stakeholders that could be affected by the Company’s operations.
14.2 Identify the social impacts and risks derived from all key projects for Company development.
14.3 Manage relations and, specially, communication with clients, communities and other relevant stakeholders identified in terms of the strategies, policies and processes to be applied to projects and other activities.
14.4 Engage clients, communities, indigenous peoples and other stakeholders in relevant discussions and take their expectations and concerns into consideration.
14.5 Conduct the activities required to maintain relations with clients, communities and other relevant stakeholders. Check on the progress of such activities until their completion and report progress to the appropriate levels of the Organization.
14.6 Plan actions that are sustainable over time, aimed at improving the quality of life and the development of the communities where company operations are performed.
14.7 Monitor the degree of satisfaction of the communities and other relevant stakeholders regarding projects and operations, including the actions aimed at improving their quality of life and their development, in order to better manage relations.
14.8 Develop a mechanism for dealing with the complaints of the local communities, in accordance with the relevant best practices.