Results, Learning and Continuous Improvement
Develop, implement and maintain mechanisms to obtain favorable results by analyzing indicators, their trends and the performance of MSs, promoting the systematic identification of potential lessons to be learned and opportunities for improvement.
15.1 Identify and assess potential gaps between the operations and the expectations of the MGO. If necessary, determine the levels of associated risks and define the actions required to bridge such gaps.
15.2 Monitor process efficiency and the level of compliance with operational goals through an integrated analysis of proactive and reactive indicators.
15.3 Comply with assessment, audit and management review programs to verify the compliance with and effectiveness of MSs.
15.4 Consolidate and comprehensively examine the results provided by indicators and other forms of analysis and assessment, audits and Management Reviews, in order to identify emerging risks, trends and opportunities for improvement.
15.5 Define, prioritize according to risk, implement and verify the effectiveness of measures required to resolve issues identified during assessment, audits, Management Reviews and supplementary examinations.
15.6 Promote a culture of permanent search for new technologies, methodologies and processes that lead to continuous for improvement and innovation, evaluate them based on risks and select the ones that best fit to the needs and objectives of operations.
15.7 Improve the environmental Performance of operations, including the rational use of natural resources such as water and soil, monitoring emission rates and energy efficiency, the preservation of biodiversity, the optimal use of supplies and responsible waste management.