Management of Incidents, Business Continuity and Crises
Respond in a safe, effective and organized manner to incidents, crises or business shutdowns, protecting people, the environment, the assets and corporate reputation.
12.1 Have well-documented response and business continuity and crisis management plans. Regularly update such plans, ensuring they are compatible with anticipated scenarios, communicate them and ensure they are easy to access.
12.2 Verify that these plans include the description of high-impact scenarios; the organizational structure, roles and responsibilities; communication protocols; critical information management procedures; response procedures including rescue, evacuation and temporary on-site sheltering; the identification of and access to required resources; and the interaction with emergency organizations..
12.3 Ensure that qualified Staff are available to perform the required tasks, and that the necessary external resources can be accessed.
12.4 Ensure that the facilities and equipment required for implementing response plans are accessible and operational.
12.5 Train members of the response teams and instruct new staff to handle incidents.
12.6 Comply with an annual training program including all response levels to verify plan effectiveness.
12.7 Review the plans at pre-defined, regular intervals, including lessons learned and industry best practices.